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November 30, 2010
Town of Princeton, MA
Meeting Minutes
Thomas Prince Middle School Enrollment Study Committee
November 30, 2010
Town Hall Annex
Members present were Toryn Bright, Laura Gal, Matt Lindberg, Larry Pistrang, Dawn Sulmasy, and Carla Volturo. Absent was member Larry Greene. Also present were Selectman Edie Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux. Chairman Pistrang called the meeting to order at 7:36 PM.  

Acceptance of Minutes
There were no minutes to approve.

Continue Development of Survey Questions
The Committee worked off Laura’s edited and expanded version of John’s November 24 memo containing questions in which she created a tabular format of the questions (attached as: Survey Questions-Updated-Working Draft) and arrived at a final form. It was agreed that John would make the edits resulting from the meeting, forward them to the Committee, and if there were no comments back to John, Dawn would forward to Lee Digney who is experienced with survey work.

Other Business

Public Comment

Future Meeting Dates
The Committee will meet December 8 at the Town Hall Annex at 7:00 PM.

The Committee unanimously voted to adjourn at 9:14 PM.

Respectively submitted,
John Lebeaux
Town Administrator

Referenced Documents
Questions under Consideration for Survey Working Draft (L. Gal)
Questions under Consideration for Survey Updated-Working Draft 11-30 (Committee)